Hyaluronic Acid
(Abbreviated HA) is unique as it forms in the plasma membrane and can be substantial. The average 150 lb person naturally has about 15 grams of hyaluronic acid in the body. Hyaluronic acid is also a significant component of skin and is involved in repairing tissue. When skin is exposed to excessive UV rays, it becomes inflamed (sunburn), and the cells in the dermis stop producing as much hyaluronan and increase the rate of its degradation.What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid?
Jun 10th 2022
How to treat a dry or itchy scalp
To help relieve inflammation or an itchy scalp, you can try several remedies at home. The main signs of a dry scalp are persistent itchiness, but they may also be accompanied by dandruff, soreness, and hair loss. Dry scalp can have several causes, though the most common is a reaction to the change in weather or a harsh ingredient in your hair care products. In addition, something as simple as washing your hair daily or not drinking enough water can cause medical conditions like eczema or psorias
Jun 2nd 2022