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When was Sente skincare established?

Sente began in 2007 and is based out of California.

Are Sente skincare products medical-grade?

Yes, they do offer medical-grade skincare products.  Medical-grade products can only use ingredients approved for OTC use, though many of them are backed by clinical studies and adhere to FDA regulations. Many medical-grade products are sold exclusively through doctors’ and aestheticians’ offices, but they don’t require a doctor’s order.

What is Sente skincare product’s key ingredient? 

Sente is the only skincare brand that incorporates Heparan Sulfate Analog (HSA) technology into its products.

What is Heparan Sulfate?

Heparan Sulfate Analog (HSA) is similar to hyaluronic acid working to bind water to the skin to hydrate and plump.  HSA also targets underlying causes of skin inflammation and enhances the skin’s natural ability to repair itself. It works by surrounding and protecting the growth factors, bringing them to the cell so that the growth factors bind the proper receptor sites and tell the cells to make collagen.  The result is increased skin firmness and promotes a more youthful complexion.

Are Sente skincare products cruelty-free?

Yes, Sente does not test its products on animals.